How brands can avoid unsustainable CX without sacrificing effective customer journeys
Rachel Hatton, OLIVER’s Chief Strategy Officer, speaks to The Drum about aligning CX practices with net zero objectives. See the full article here
Creating positive CX while committing to net zero initiatives is difficult (advertising adds 28% to the annual carbon footprint of each person in the UK). Yet brands can transition into more sustainable practises without sacrificing effective CX.
A lack of information is hindering people’s transition into sustainability. Brands need to help them by encouraging sustainable consumption. How can brands start to do this?
Know where you can make a difference
Identifying where in the CX sustainability can be encouraged. Each brand can measure sustainability differently in their customer journeys.
Self-awareness in consumption
Brands need to help people understand the impact of their consumption. The desire exists, so tapping into it is key. Show people the environmental impact of their consumption choices.
Sustainability as the default choice
Brands can use their CX tools and marketing practices to encourage sustainability by default. Marketing heuristics are highly effective at encouraging people to buy. They can also help people make sustainable choices.
Read the full story on how brands make their CX more sustainable here